
Solver Capabilities:– Steady-state
– Incompressible flow
– Turbulent Flow
Analytical case: The flow between two flat plates.

The Hagen-Poiseuille flow

The case is described in the following figure.

The flow between two parallel plates is well-known as channel flow. The channel flow is a flow of viscous Newtonian fluid between two boundaries driven by a constant pressure gradient. In this documentation, we would like to verify whether the CFDSOF capable of correctly calculate the flow field in 2D laminar channel flow. This is the dimension of the channel

  • Height, H = 0,2 \> m
  • Length, L = 3 \> m

By using CFD simulation, we will calculate the development of the velocity profile that happens inside the channel.


We use tetrahedral mesh. The mesh is distributed towards the inlet and walls to capture the flow better.

Fluid Properties

This simulation uses water as the fluid that have properties as follow

  • Density, \rho = 997 \> kg/m^{3}
  • Dynamic viscosity, \mu = 0.00089 \> Pa.s
  • Pressure gradient, \nabla P / \rho = 0.000100301 \> m^{2}/s^{2}


Below is the results between computation with CFDSOF and analytic calculation.

From the results, CFDSOF gains a 4% error. This error arises from the number of mesh that is used. To enhance the result, we can increase the number of mesh.

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